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Joè (not Joe) is a 360-degree singer, photographer and artist born in 2001 in Stenico, a mountain village at the foot of the Dolomites in the province of Trento.  


An accentuated artist, starting right from the name, accented. The name Joè was born in fact from the union between John and Noè, the two first names initially chosen by the parents who then decided to coin the name Joè, a name that represents that pinch of madness that also characterizes his musical production.


His room is a greenhouse with a bed, the garden a little Eden among hens and rabbits. For Joè nature, its colors and its symbols are in fact among the main sources of inspiration to tell about himself, the positivity and uniqueness with which he faces life every day.  


An originality also expressed in the music, capable of wandering and jumping between genres that apparently could seem the polar opposite such as the Italian rock of Litfiba and the international pop of Katy Perry, two artists to whom Jo is very attached since adolescence. 





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